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Our Company

About Us | Our Services | How Can We Help?

One Motion is a trusted name, with over 5 years experience delivering logisitcs solutions to market leaders throughout the United Kingdom and Europe. With multiple channels of carrier distribution and large fleet networks, One Motion is able to implement a solution to any logistical obstacle, anywhere in the EU. The core of our operation is personnel & equipment supply, fleet management and delivery services across Europe. But it’s the smart way that we do it that makes the difference to our clients.
We’ve worked with some of the UK’s biggest retailers and we’ve kept flexible enough to also welcome smaller clients, supportting their objectives to enable them to grow. Our systems and processes are standardised for speed yet flexibly customisable per client.

So whether you have a need to duplicate your services in multiple locations and countries or your goal is to maximise availability and achieve the fastest possible delivery time, we will work with you to achieve your objectives.

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